Beat The Heat
I write and read a lot of blogs but not only is this the first Air Conditioning blog I’ve ever written, I think it might be the first one anyone has ever read.
I’ll be honest with you I’m sat on a sun lounger writing this (perks of the job). In the distance I can see the new Hilton hotel adjoining the Ageas Bowl, home of Hampshire Cricket. I’m feeling a little warm to say the least. I’m wondering about the glass in the new 175 room, 4 star hotel, fears have been raised about reflection issues for the players on the field but has anyone thought about the reflective issue of heat for the patrons inside the building itself?
A very good friend of mine was telling me last week that his office in the centre of a big city peaked in temperature last Thursday at 37 degrees. The privacy glass on the southern elevation of the building has caused issues because it was acting as a heat conductor. The northern end of the building was optimum temperature for working. By 2pm in the afternoon the entire staff on the southern side of the building had either had to move desk or were too agitated to actually productively achieve their necessary output. The facilities management team could do very little to help because in this particular building the air conditioning had not been zoned. Daikin pride themselves on enabling up to 100 zones throughout a building controlled via a central panel. For smaller offices hand held remote controls can determine the temperature in any given room.
It isn’t just offices where the issue of productivity in heat arises; shops for example wouldn’t be attractive to any customer who walked into try clothes in a sauna like heat. We do a lot of work for dental surgeries where intricate work is carried out and the room temperature needs to provide comfort for patients and dentists alike.
So whether you are enduring or, like me, thoroughly enjoying this heat wave, and whatever your business, have a think about how temperature can boost productivity and how Air Control can help you achieve the optimum temperature and maintain it.